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Our Vision as a Community of Sacred Healers - Is it Your Vision too?

Our goal is to create an energetic force for good. A tsunami of blessings. Working with the angels, we want to blanket this hurting, broken world with love. We know that when we combine our loving thoughts and intentions the effect is astronomical.  

We all carry that force of love inside us - released through prayer, through healing, though loving actions. It is a superpower that we have at our disposal any time we call upon it.  

In this community, we have a place to focus our good energies to support healing on every level. Here is a place for Sacred Healers to share their work and their questions. Healers can gain the healing help of other Sacred Healers on behalf of their friends, family and/or clients in need of health.

We believe that healing is more than practicing a technique. Healing is the work of those who are called to the vocation of Sacred Healer. The Order was created to assemble those who are so called and assist them in discerning how best to live their vocation.

Becoming a Sacred Healer in the Order

Members will be supported as they embrace more deeply their role as Sacred Healer. We believe that Sacred Healers are called to do more than practice a healing modality. A member workshop is offered to all, one in which all members are invited to begin their journey as a Sacred Healer, one in which we believe they will find great peace, fulfillment, and personal power to heal more effectively.

Does this excite you? Do you feel that you are called to do more than practice a healing modality or pray for the healing of others? Do you wish to be a part of a movement that will be a tipping point for good and for healing around the world? We are here to support your efforts. Join us.  

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