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About the Order of St. Raphael the Archangel

About the Order of St Raphael

We have a vision that calls healers and loving pray-ers from across the planet to join together and become a part of a movement that will be a tipping point for blessings and healing. 

Here, you will find a homebase for healers of all modalities and people of all faiths and spiritualities. If you wish to lend your prayers and loving intentions to the planet, that counts too.

Our intention is to create an energetic force for good. A tsunami of blessings for all, if you will.  

Working with the angels, we want to blanket this hurting, broken world with love. We want people who are struggling, fearful, anxious, sad, or in any kind of need or distress to be uplifted by a spirit of love covering the planet. We know that when we combine our loving thoughts and intentions the effect is astronomical. The power of love - Divine Love - focused and offered willingly, can transform the world.

Exciting, isn't it?

We all carry that force of love inside us. When we offer it through prayer, healing intentions, and loving actions, we can see and feel the difference. This is a superpower that we have at our disposal any time we call upon it. We need superheroes to come join together in Love.

What We D0

In the Order of St. Raphael the Archangel, Sacred Healers come together in a community to support one another in the work of healing. We journey together, sharing the ups and downs of the vocation to be Sacred Healers in the world.  

We are diverse and we have various stances on politics, religion and life. Here in the Order, we follow a Rule of Life which includes offering a non-judgmental attitude - even towards those who are our polar opposites. Our focus is love, service, and compassion.

Often people learn an exciting new healing method and soon find that they are out there on their own, with little or no support -- and a fair amount of competition.  

Open to All

The Order honours all healing modalities and those who have the intention of serving others as Sacred Healers through the power of Divine Love. However you call Love, whatever spirituality or faith you embrace, we work together to help and heal people, systems, nations, and the planet. 

You will notice that we speak of Love or Divine Love. We do so for a reason. Among the many religions, God is spoken of as Love. Spiritual and natural religions also recognize Love as the powerful force supporting the created world. People who have no religion – and perhaps do not believe in a god at all – also value Love as an important gift we offer to each other and the world. We have found that Love is the common element to all religions and philosophical traditions. It is universally valued, affirming, life-enhancing, and healing. 

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